Snatch (stylised as snatch.) is a 2000 British crime comedy film, written and directed by Guy Ritchie. Set in the London criminal underworld, the film contains two intertwined plots: one dealing with the search for a stolen diamond, the other with a small-time boxing promoter Turkish (Jason Statham), who finds himself under the thumb of a ruthless gangster Brick Top (Alan Ford), who is ready and willing to have his subordinates carry out severe and sadistic acts of violence.
The film features an assortment of characters, including Irish traveller Mickey O'Neil (Brad Pitt), arms-dealer Boris "the Blade" Yurinov (Rade Šerbedžija), professional thief and gambling addict Franky "Four-Fingers" (Benicio del Toro), American gangster-jeweller Abraham Denovitz known as "Cousin Avi" (Dennis Farina), and bounty hunter Bullet-Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones).
- Jason Statham as Turkish
- Stephen Graham as Tommy
- Brad Pitt as Mickey O'Neil
- Alan Ford as Brick Top
- Robbie Gee as Vinny
- Lennie James as Sol
- Ade as Tyrone
- Dennis Farina as Abraham "Cousin Avi" Denovitz
- Rade Šerbedžija as Boris "The Blade" Yurinov
- Vinnie Jones as Bullet-Tooth Tony
- Adam Fogerty as Gorgeous George
- Mike Reid as Doug The Head
- Benicio del Toro as Franky "Four-Fingers"
- Sorcha Cusack as Mrs O'Neil
- Jason Flemyng as Darren
- Goldie as "Bad Boy" Lincoln
- Velibor Topić as The Russian
- Sam Douglas as Rosebud
- Ewen Bremner as Mullet
- Andy Beckwith as Errol
- Dave Legeno as John
- William Beck as Neil